Nursery Makeover Reveal

August’s Nursery Makeover is DONE! The most special room for my sweet boy.

David’s nickname for Auggie is Goose. We got him a little stuffed goose…and then I found THIS goose mobile🥹

I ended up swapping out the original antique art piece I had in here before for a custom piece my sister made. It is so perfect for this room and it has a little pop of red for mom❤️

I got this dresser second hand off of marketplace and gave it a little facelift. You can see that process here!

This room used to be Emery’s but we did some switching around in preparation for August’s arrival. I wanted to make this room personal for him. For this nursery makeover, I installed crown moulding and picture railing to add some depth to the room. Then, I painted the ceiling this beautiful deep blue. You can read more about that here.

I also built a book shelf to put on the small sliver of wall between the closet and door to the nursery. See how I did it here!

Thank you SO much for all the love on Auggie’s room! I still get nervous before a reveal – this is my version of art. My self expression. To pour my heart and soul out and lay it out for the world to see (and potentially criticize) is so vulnerable. But THANK YOU for being so encouraging and supportive. I’m so grateful.

– Cass

Here’s everything I used in Auggie’s Nursery Makeover!

  1. Julia says:

    Love this. Especially the beefed up crown molding and painted ceiling. I’m wondering how tall your ceilings are. I would like to try this but wonder if my ceilings are too low.

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