In David and I’s bedroom, I left off last working on our frame tv. The giant blank space above our bed needed something! I went pretty toned down in our room so it needed to be colorful. I wanted it to be unexpected and bright. So, I made a DIY Folding Screen!
I searched literally everywhere for one of these and couldn’t find one under a few thousand dollars. So obviously I decided to make one myself! I found this really cool wallpaper and decided to use it to make my own.
I start out by cutting down 1/2 inch MDF on my table saw. I used 4 pieces. When I put them together, they sort of look like a flattened out folding screen!
I taped off a little frame on each of the pieces of MDF and painted it black!
Then, I needed to match up all my pieces of wallpaper so they’d line up and look seamless together. Next, I cut them all down to size with a utility knife, leaving a little border around the wallpaper.
Then I folded all of the edges over in between the end pieces so it actually looks like an opened folding screen.
I used Mod Podge to glue the wallpaper to the MDF. I put a pretty thick layer down so it would sort of bleed through and dry with that vintage look. It was working and I was SO excited! Projects like this are my favorite.
The wallpaper only came with 3 panels and I had 4 pieces of wood, so I just started the pattern again. I really wanted the bird to flow through the pieces so I cut out those pieces on an extra sheet and mod podged them on top. It actually turned out pretty good!
I was totally winging this – but I had an idea to water down some brown paint and smudge it around the brown boarder to make it look old. Then, a thick and messy layer of mod podge on top of the entire thing!
To secure it, I took two long pieces of wood and screwed them on the back.
To hang it on the wall, I cut two pieces with my miter saw and put them together and screwed them into the studs on the wall.
I put the first piece of wood on the wall and gave it a good “dad shake.” Then, I brought it upstairs and hung it up! IT’S BEAUTIFUL!
This turned out WAY better than I ever thought it would! And it looks like a real antique…WHAT?! I really love what the messy mod podge finish did. Holy moly. I just love it!
Try this out and let me know how it goes for you!
– Cass